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Australians have always been an inventive lot, and this includes food. Some of the foods invented in Australia are:

1. Vegemite - This is a black, salty spread made from brewer's yeast, and invented after World War I had disrupted the supply of imported yeast spreads. It has a very strong taste.

2. Chiko roll - this is like an oversized Chinese egg roll, containing beef, shredded cabbage, barley, carrots, green beans and onions.

3. The bacon and egg pie - It is a common misconception that the meat pie was invented in Australia. In actual fact, meat pies have been around in one form or another for centuries, and are certainly not exclusive to Australia. However, Australians will out virtually anything into a pie, and that includes stuffing them with bacon and egg.

4. Lamingtons - there are many stories about how Lamingtons were invented, but regardless of their origin, they are tasty squares of sponge cake, coated in chocolate icing and covered with desiccated coconut.

5. ANZAC biscuits were invented during World War I. They were made by the women at home and sold to buy small necessities and luxuries to send to the ANZAC troops in World War I. The ANZAC biscuits were also sent to the troops because, being flat and made with oats and syrup, they travelled well and lasted longer, unlike standard cakes and biscuits.

6. Damper is a basic bread made of flour, salt and water. It was easy to make either at home or on the road, and throw on a fire. Campers still make it today.

Pavlova has not been mentioned because historical records indicate that it was invented in New Sealand, but named by an Australian chef.

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