There is no kind of special clothings they would wear. Just regular everyday cloths will do.
Not anymore. Historically only the good / well to do schools wore school uniform in Estonia. School uniforms ceased to exist around 1988.
Of course. I wear mine everyday. But sleeping with clip in extensions everyday, is not the best idea.
a swimming suit
LOL, no xD
If you mean traditional Icelandic clothes, they are similar to other Scandinavian garments, (such as Norwegian) although I heard somewhere that some traditional Icelandic clothes are black. If you mean everyday wear, it's basically regular clothes.
everyday and night
In their everyday life they wear exactly what you would wear.
For everyday class you do not have to, unless you wear it normally everyday. For performances and even dress and tech rehearsals (depending on your teacher/ director) you have to wear stage makeup.
Cleopatra, for everyday wear probably wore the standard Greek women's chiton, but of the finest materials. In public she dressed up as the goddess Isis as she thought she was actually the New Isis.
Yes, makeup is designed to be worn everyday.