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social market economy

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Q: What kind if market does Germany have?
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What kind of Economic System does Germany Have?

social market economy

Is Germany's economy capitalist?

It is a Social Market. Kinda Kind of a socialist feel and kind of a capitalist feel.

Does Germany have a market or mixed economic system?

it has an market system for Germany it has an market system for Germany

Does Germany have a free market economy?

Germany has a free market economy to a great extent. The country has a social market which operates on the principles of a free market economy.

Kempen Germany what day is market day?

Market days in Kempen, Germany are Tuesdays and Fridays

What is Germany's economy?

Germany's economy is market economy

What kind of place is Germany?

Germany has historic and scenic areas, including Berlin and Munich, where tourists enjoy spending time. They have a high level of gender equality and a large video game market.

Does Germany have a command economy or free market economy?

Neither: it is capitalist with state interference.

Which countries are market economy?


What is a weihnachtsmarkt in Germany?

Its a Christmas Market

How did the stock market crash affect Germany and other European nations?

because american investors who were loaning to germany began pulling money out of germany and to invest in the stock market

What is Germany's healthcare?

Healthcare in Germany is still a semi-market based system without any kind of direct government buying/selling/funding of healthcare. A great article describing the kind of healthcare used in Germany can be found here -