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Q: What keeps Australia's temperatures moderate?
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What keeps the temperatures on the pacific coast relatively moderate?

it is the earth ration

what keeps the temperatures on the pacific coast relativity moderate?

it is the earth ration

What keeps temperatures on the pacific coast relatively moderate year round?

Ocean Currents

What climate has moderate rainfall and moderate temperatures remaining constant throughout the year?


Are tortoiseshell and white cats common?

yes they are very common in the UK or places with moderate temperatures yes they are very common in the UK or places with moderate temperatures

What is moderate heat?

Moderate Heat is when the engine keeps a stable temperature. The temperature gauge is supposed to stay at a moderate heat when performing normally.

What about Earth allows it to maintain bodies of water Comet crashes tides mountains or moderate temperature?

its moderate temperatures

What is the main cause of moderate temperatures in the Caribbean?

Nearness to water.

Temperatures in the Caribbean are moderate because of the islands'?

nearness to water.

What are facts about moderate climate?

Moderate climates typically have mild temperatures, moderate rainfall, and distinct seasons. They are characterized by being neither too hot nor too cold, making them comfortable for human habitation. Moderate climates are favorable for a variety of vegetation and agriculture.

What causes the british to have a mild temperature?

The mild temperature in Britain is mainly due to its location near the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf Stream. These factors contribute to a maritime climate that generally keeps temperatures moderate throughout the year.

Moderate temperatures are characteristic of?

Answer ----> the polar zone(1/1) points