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Q: What jobs on colonial New Hampshire made the most money?
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They made money by farming tobacco.

What did colonial New Hampshire do to make money?

Shipbuilders, boatbuilders, furniture makers, lumbermen,

How did people earn a living in colonial New Hampshire?

Some were fishermen, other built fishing boats and sailing ships. Some were foresters who provided the lumber to build those ships. Some made salt so that the fish could be preserved for shipment to market. Some made Barrel staves and Barrels to hold the salted fish for export. Smiths made Barrel hoops to hold the Barrels together during shipment. Some were farmers who provided the food to feed the foresters and fishermen. Some operated grist mills to grind the farmers grain so that it could be turned to flour. Some carved stone to make grindstones for the grist mills.

Colonial Maryland made there money by trading what?

they sold and traded tobacco

How did Maryland make money in the colonial times?

They made and traded tobacco

How did the New Hampshire make money?

The colony of New Hampshire made money in various ways. The most common ways included fishing and building ships which they exported among other things.

What were colonial New Hampshire's natural resources?

trees rule fish swim rocks stay mines lay furs are made from animals

Do a baker in colonial time have other jobs and what are they?

nope i think they baked only they might've made the dough to

How did colonist make money in New Hampshire?

The colonists made money in New Hampshire by building ships, by growing tobacco, and by making things with lumber. If they were lucky enough, they would make whale oil.

How did the New Hampshire colony make money?

The colony of New Hampshire made money in various ways. The most common ways included fishing and building ships which they exported among other things.