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Q: What jobs did the Jews have once they immigrated to America?
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When people first begin to carve Jack-O-Lanterns what did they use instead?

The English and Irish used potatoes and beets to carve scary faces on. Once they immigrated to America, they discovered the pumpkin (native to America) and found it was much better suited to carving.

Where did the Holocaust survivors want to go?

If the Jews were not caught they went into hiding like Anne Frank did. I know that Anne Frank stayed in a secret annex with another family while in hiding. If the Jews were caught they had to go to concentration camps. I have heard that once the Nazis told the Jews that they could take a bath in a giant shower room that they had built for the Nazis. Of course the Jews were excited because they had not been allowed baths before. Only some of the Jews went and when the showers were turned on instead of water flowing out a noxious gas came out and killed the Jews inside the shower. The family members of the Jews who died in the showers had to dig a grave for the family members that died.

Why is French spoken in the US?

The main reason is that people of French-language origin have immigrated to the U.S. Also, The Louisiana Territory was once a colony of France.

What was the route that most Jews took once they were captured?

more Jews went to Auschwitz than anywhere else.

How frequently could Jews wash in the ghettos?

once a year

Why were photographs taken of the Jews by the Nazis?

Their plan was to exterminate the Jews. They collected artifacts and documentation to make a museum of the people that once was.

When was Once Upon a Time in America released?

Once Upon a Time in America was released on 06/01/1984.

When was Once Upon a Time in America created?

Once Upon a Time in America was created on 1984-05-23.

How do I find out if automotive jobs pay well?

You should try to search for automotive jobs and other jobs in your area. Once you find sample jobs, you can contact the employers and compare their offers.

What transport did people that immigrated to Australia in the gold rush time arrive in?

People who immigrated to Australia during the goldrushes had only one choice of transport: ship. Australia is a continent entirely surrounded by water. Once they were in Australia, they had the options of walking (the most common method), horse, bullock train or horse and carriage (sulky or dray).

What happened to Jews once Nazis invaded Holland?

Once the Nazis invaded Holland, the Jews were rounded up and deported to concentration camps to be exterminated. They were gassed, beaten, starved, infected with diseases, and separated from family

What is the main way Jews were killed?

The main way the Jews were killed is, they were taken into gas chambers and gas out. Once they were dead their bodies were burned.