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A couple of years ago, 'The Economist' magazine named the republic of Ireland as the best place in the world to live. They felt it had a high quality of life and was a peaceful, modern, developed, wealthy country which had not lost touch with the traditions of the past. caus its irish!!!!!!!!!! - Being Irish, I can say it is because: 1) Ireland is a country rich with history and patriotic people. 2) The Irish are friendly. 3) The drink flows freely =) 4) The Irish accent is beautiful - like the Irish singing voice. 5) The culture and heritage is facinating. 6) Us Irish have a wicked sense of humour! So, there's a few of the main reasons!

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16y ago
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12y ago

Ireland is unique because of its food. Ranging from Crubeens, a dish of boiled pigs feet, to Colcannon, a Irish potato and kale dish. Ireland has very unique and tasty foods, that usually include potatoes.

Ireland is also renowned for having a beautiful landscape.

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11y ago

Ireland is special in many ways, as is every other country. Mainly because of its greenness, its beauty, its music, its literature, its native sports, its friendly people, its culture, its history, its mountains, its valleys, its rivers and many, many other things, far too many to mention.

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14y ago

Every country is unique in it's own way but I'd say it's because of St. Patrick and St. Patrick's day. I'm not saying there aren't any other reasons but I think that's one of the main reasons.

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11y ago

In terms of cool in terms of temperature, given its latitude it is quite warm. That is mainly down to the Gulf Stream bringing milder temperatures to Ireland. If you mean cool as in a good place, then there are a huge amount of special things about Ireland, far too many to mention.

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12y ago


may i start with there holidays and cultural events and how beautiful it is there. In fact its called the "emerald Isle" for that reason. There are so many popular landmarks it is one of the most popular tourist attraction countries in the world. ik all this cuz i just did a report on ireland and its customs.

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10y ago

Every culture is unique, which is how we can distinguish them. Many are similar to others. Ireland has its own music, but there are similar styles in other countries. Irish dance is quite unique. The Irish language is unique, but it is similar to other languages, such as Scots Gaelic. Ireland has some unique sports, with Gaelic Football and Hurling being the two national sports. All of these things and various others would be unique. Someone coming from outside of Ireland would not things very different to whatever culture they come from. If they come from a radically different culture, then Ireland's culture would look very unique, so it does depend on your perspective.

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14y ago

Apart from the Irish diaspora very little.

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11y ago

One of the special features of Ireland is the Causeway Coastal Route. This is a special schedule of places to visit around the coast line in an organized fashion.

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