There are a few zip codes for West Des Moines, IA:
* 50061 * 50265 * 50266
50364 is in Iowa. That zip code is in Des Moines. More specifically, this is west north central Des Moines, just south of University Ave.
Zip code 50307 is listed to Des Moines, Iowa.
Des Moines, Iowa
Zip code 50312 is in Polk County, Iowa. The city is Des Moines.
The Mercy College of Health Sciences is located in Des Moines, Iowa. They offer sonography courses, but they are not strictly a sonography school.
The zip code for 315 West 33rd Street is 10001. The zip code for all of West 33rd Street is 10001.
The address 152 West 36th Street is in the 10018 zip code.
Looking at a variety of addresses in Charlestown, Nevis, West Indies, most do not use a zip code. Looking at a zip code list, it says the zip code is 00109-7000.
The zip code 10036 is one of mainland Manhattan's 43 zip codes. The 10036 zip code covers West 42nd Street through West 48th Street.
The zip code for 615 West 172nd Street in Manhattan is 10032.
The zip code for Ripley, West Virginia, is 25271.
The zip code for Westlake in Texas is: 76262