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With parental permission, 16. Without permission, 18.

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Q: What is the youngest age a minor can get married at in Wisconsin?
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What is the youngest age a minor can get married at in South Dakota?

16, if you have notarized consent from your parents or guardian. Otherwise, 18.

What is the youngest age a minor can get married without parental consent in indiana?

No one under 18 can marry without parental consent in Indiana.

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What is the youngest age you can get married in England?

16 years

Can a minor get married to someone of age?

Not in america. But a minor may be legal somewhere else to get married.

What is the youngest age you can get married in C.A?

18 without permission

Which president married at the youngest age of all presidents?

Andrew Johnson

What is the law on a minor moving out of their parents' house in Wisconsin?

In Wisconsin, a minor is generally considered a runaway if they leave home without permission before turning 18. Parents or legal guardians are responsible for the minor until they reach the age of majority. However, the minor may seek emancipation through the court if they can prove they are financially self-sufficient and capable of making their own legal decisions.

Can a minor get married with parental consent in California?

It will depend on the age of the minor. If they are over 16, yes, they can get married with permission.

What is the youngest age you can get married in North Carolina?

You can not marry if you are under the age of 14.

At what age can a minor get married in Tennessee?

The age of 16 with parental consent.