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There is a mandatory 48-hour waiting period from the time that the marriage license is issued to the time that the ceremony may legally take place.

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Q: What is the waiting period for same-sex marriage in Maryland?
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What is the waiting period between license and marriage in Maryland?

There is a 48-hour waiting period before the marriage license is valid in Maryland. The marriage license is valid for six months.

What is the waiting period for same-sex marriage in Vermont?

There is no waiting period.

What is the waiting period for same-sex marriage in Iowa?

The waiting period is three business days.

What is the waiting period for same-sex marriage in Washington DC?

There is a 5 day waiting period.

Is the marriage legal if you didn't saw a marriage license but got married on civil rights?

Twenty states require couples to wait a few days after applying for a marriage license before they receive the license: 1-day Waiting Period: Illinois, New York, South Carolina, Delaware. 2-day Waiting Period: Maryland. 3-day Waiting Period: Alaska, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Washington. 4-day Waiting Period: Delaware if both of you are nonresidents. 5-day Waiting Period: District of Columbia, Minnesota. 6-day Waiting Period: Wisconsin.

What is the waiting period for same-sex marriage in Delaware?

There is a statutory waiting period of 24 hours from the time the marriage license is issued to the time the wedding ceremony may take place. If both parties to the marriage are non-residents of Delaware, then the waiting period is 96 hours.

In the State of Maryland how long after a divorce does one have to wait to remarry?

There is no waiting period in the state of Maryland

What is the waiting period for same-sex marriage in Connecticut?

There is no statutory waiting period, although some clerks make you pick up the marriage license the next day.

What is the waiting period for same-sex marriage in Maine?

There is a statutory three-day waiting period from the day that the the marriage license is issued to the day that the ceremony can take place.

Is there a waiting period for a same-sex marriage in Connecticut?

There is no statutory waiting period in Connecticut, but some town clerks require that you pick up the marriage license the following day, ostensibly for processing time. It should be noted that there is only one set of requirements for marriage, whether same-sex or not.

What is the waiting period for same-sex marriage in Washington State?

There is a statutory three-day waiting period from the day that the the marriage license is issued to the day that the ceremony can take place.

What does a waiting period for marriage license mean?

ANSWER TO get it notarized by a judge.