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Q: What is the true arctic?
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What is the group name of the Arctic fox?

Arctic foxes belong to the genus vulpes - the true foxes.

Are there any humans in the Arctic Desert?

The Arctic is primarily sea ice, open sea or tundra and not classified as a true desert. However, people do live in the Arctic.

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Is this true or false the way the petals of an Arctic poppy are shaped concentrates the sunlight?

True. The curved shape of Arctic poppy petals helps to concentrate sunlight towards the center of the flower, providing warmth and energy for pollinators in the cold Arctic environment.

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Do humans live in Alaska's arctic desert?

Actually, Alaska has a lot of tundra in the northern part of the state but this is a distinct biome and not a true desert. Antarctica is a true desert however. People do live in the Arctic Tundra, however.

More than a hundred types of mosses lichens and small flowering plants grow in the Arctic. false true.?

true ( a+ )

What deserts are in the Arctic and Antarctica regions?

Only Antarctica is a true desert. Most of the Arctic is seasonal sea ice and those few areas of land are mostly considered as tundra.Only Antarctica is a true desert. Most of the Arctic is seasonal sea ice and those few areas of land are mostly considered as tundra.

The Tropic of Cancer is to the Tropic of Capricorn as the Arctic Circle is to the North Pole. Is this true?

No. The Tropic of Cancer is to the Tropic of Capricorn as the Arctic Circle is to the Antarctic Circle.

True or False The city of Juneau Alaska is located within the Arctic Circle?
