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u'i = beautiful

loa= big, a lot, very, etc

u'i loa = very beautiful

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Q: What is the translation for the Hawaiian 'u'i loa?
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The word for magnificence in Hawaiian is "nui loa" or "nani loa."

How do you say forever in hawaiian?

In Hawaiian, "forever" is often translated as "mālamalama loa."

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In Hawai`i, we say loa or loloa for the word long.

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Quote from the Related Link: "In Hawaiian, Mana Loa means 'Great Power.'"Mauna Loa means 'Great Mountain'. Mauna = mountain, Loa = great.

How do you say Mauna Loa in hawaiian?

Mauna Loa is already in Hawaiian. It's pronounced Má-oo-nah ló-ah

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"A long and happy marriage" in Hawaiian can be translated as "he moʻaukala loa a hauʻoli."

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Aloha: Kinohi loa hou [keenohee loa ho]

What is very strong in Hawaiian?

The Hawaiian word for "very strong" is "nui loa."

How do you say large in Hawaiian?

The word for large in Hawaiian is "nui".

What does se po loa mean in hawaiian?

"Se po loa" is not a Hawaiian phrase; it doesn't have any meaning in the Hawaiian language. It may be a misspelling or a phrase from a different language.

What does nui loa mean in hawaiian?

"Nui loa" is a Hawaiian phrase that translates to "very or greatly big" in English. It is often used to emphasize the magnitude or size of something. For example, "mahalo nui loa" means "thank you very much" in Hawaiian.