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Romanian Folk Music

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Q: What is the traditional music Romania listen to?
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What kind of music do people in Romania listen to?

In Romania the folk listen to all the types of music, each individual after his preferences

Where can one listen to traditional Irish music?

One can listen to traditional Irish music on YouTube where there are many such music videos available to listen to. One can also listen by downloading from iTunes or Google Play.

What kind of music do in Romania listen to?

All the types of music, each individual after his preferences.

What kind of traditional music do Germans listen to?

german music

Where can one listen to Egyptian music?

One can listen to Egyptian music online on websites, such as YouTube, Traditional Arabic Music and Africa TV 24. Egyptian music is divided into traditional and modern music.

What are some traditional music French Guiana?

French Guiana's traditional music is "Zouk". It's near Haitian Compas.

What kind of music do people listen to in Brazil?

"You wow cracking" band is a band from Brazil, the distinctive way they show the audience the rich and diverse traditional music of Brazil,you can listen to the band's music and then you will know what is the traditional music of Brazil

What type of music does traditional Buddhism people listen to?

this site it no waste of time

What traditional music does Irish people listen to?

Stuff like "Riverdance" is an example

What is traditional American music?

The most commonly listen to music in America would be hip hop, rock, and country.

What music do the Maoris listen to?

Many of the Maori near Tauranga listen to Moana 98.2FM because it's a great mix of Jammin' Oldies and the best of contemporary and traditional Maori music.

What is Ireland's music like?

The traditional music is very calm and peaceful, but they do listen to Celtic rock like the Cranberries that came from ireland.