approx 430 primary schools (approx 110,000 students)
the number of your mom
In almost all schools of Mumbai, 35% is the passing marks in Mumbai. the passing marks for higher education may vary depending on the colleges and their degrees.
Many schools have the same center allotted. The schools include the schools which are closest to the center school.
number of Best ICSE Schools in Mumbai, in those three Schools are Very Popular i. e., India First Foundation School ( iffschool.in ), singapore international school and MITGurukul
3-4 Schools will have the same center. They will be the schools closest to the center school.
No. of scientist research papers written in Pakistan
There are well over 20 Charter schools in the Indianapolis area. These schools are not affilated officially with the Indy Public Schools.
Based on statistic on 31st January 2010, total number of schools in Malaysia is 9,922. Thank you
The contact number in Mumbai is Sawara : 9320514870
2-3 Schools will have the same center number. They would be the schools near to the center.