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Q: What is the total number of immigrants who came to the United States from 1820 to 2010?
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The largest number of immigrants coming to the US did so between the years?

The largest number of immigrants coming to the US did between the years of 1991 to 2000 with 1 9,095,417 total immigrants. The top five countries with legal immigration into the United States are Mexico, India, People's Republic of China, Vietnam and Philippines.

What is the total number of university students in the United States?

To my calculations there are more or about 7987 university student in the united states

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What is the total number of United states senators?

100, 2 for each state.

What is total number of United States Representatives?

The people of the United States are represented by 535 different people. Of these, 100 are Senators and 435 are Representatives.

How many immigrants came to America?

About 25 millionActually, the above number is incorrect. The number of "immigrants" depends completely on what one means by "immigrants" and the time-frame one looks at.There are many different categories under the immigration law, most of which do not give the beneficiary any rights to remain in the United States permanently but only some form of temporary residency (e.g. temporary workers, visitors, students, etc.). Likewise, individuals obtaining "citizenship" would also be excluded from this number since an individual must have already immigrated to the United States to qualify for citizenship and, as such, they would not be considered a "new" immigrant.According to the Department of Homeland Security, the total number of immigrants entering the United States as Legal Permanent Residents since 1820 is precisely 75,356,722In 2009, only 1,130,818 new immigrants came to the United States.As of 2009 a total of 12,450,000 Legal Permanent Residents were living in the United States and 743,715 Naturalized to become United States Citizens.Source: DHS "Persons Obtaining Legal Permanent Resident Status: Fiscal Years 1820 to 2009"

What is the total number of banking institutions in the United States?

A little under 8400 as of March 2008

Why did the US see an increase in immigration What were the reactions to immigrants?

There has always been immigrants into the United States. At various times there were different reasons why people came. In the 1860's the Irish potato famine resulted in more Irish entering the United States. The civil war armies was 60% were young Irish men recruited as they came off ships. In the late 1800's there was the Chinese exclusion act that didn't allow Chinese immigration for 10 years and in 1920 an immigration law was passed that only allowed 2% of immigrants to enter. The number was based on the total population in the United States. So, as you can see this is not a new issue and it depends on the time frame.

What was the total number of soldiers from the United States that participated in the Battle of the Coral Sea?

ZERO. This was a Naval battle.

What is the total number of persons currently imprisoned in the United States Federal and State prison systems?

2.2 million.

What is the total number of immigrants from China living in Australia?

Too many

Who won the Olympics the most?

Prior to Beijing, the nation with the highest medal count is as follows: Summer: United States - 896 Gold; United States - 2,191 Total Winter: Norway - 98 Gold; Norway - 280 Total Combined: United States - 974 Gold; 2,407 Total