6 hours Time difference between New York, New York USAand Rome, Italy is 6 hrs
Rome is 6:0 hours ahead of New York
That means when it is 9:00 am in New York, it is 3:00 pm in Rome
New York City is 6 hours behind Rome.
When the U.S. is on Standard Time, Costa Rica (UTC-6) is 2 hours ahead of California (UTC-8/UTC-7).
When the U.S. is on Daylight Saving Time, Costa Rica is 1 hour ahead of California.
In the U.S., Daylight Saving Time begins on the 2nd Sunday of March and ends on the 1st Sunday of November.
So when it's 6 AM CST in Costa Rica, the time in California is either 4 AM PST (during Standard Time) or 5 AM PDT (during Daylight Saving Time).
Paris France is usually nine hours ahead of Los Angeles, CA although daylight savings times start and end at different times throughout the year. For the current time difference see http://www.worldtimeengine.com/doTime/paris/los%20angeles/
The time difference between Paris, France, and Belfast, Northern Ireland is one hour. Paris is one hour ahead of Belfast.
Madrid and Paris are in the same time zone.
The time difference is thirteen hours...
9 hour difference.
The time difference between Los Angeles, USA, and Romania is 10 hours. Romania is 10 hours ahead of Los Angeles.
Paris is 6 hours ahead of Lima, Ohio.
Malaysia is 7 hours ahead of Paris, France
The time difference between Brisbane, Australia and Paris, France is 8 hours. Brisbane is 8 hours ahead of Paris, so when it is 6 pm in Paris, it is 2 am in Brisbane.
There is no difference. They are both in the Pacific Time Zone.
The time difference between Los Angeles, California, and Mykolaiv, Ukraine, is 10 hours. Mykolaiv is 10 hours ahead of Los Angeles.
7 hours