Winterhaven is close to Yuma and 186 miles from Phoenix.
The halfway point between Decatur, Illinois, and Phoenix, Arizona falls in Clarendon, Texas.
The time difference between Zambia and Romania is only 1 hour.
Traveling from Phoenix, Arizona to Tempe, Arizona will take around 19 minutes and 12.97 miles. Hope this Helps!
The time difference between Phoenix, Arizona, and Puerta Plata, Dominican Republic, is three hours. Phoenix is in the Mountain time zone, and Puerta Plata is in the Atlantic time zone, which is three time zones east of the Mountain time zone. Phoenix and Puerta Plata do not observe daylight savings time.
Phoenix, Arizona is two hours ahead of Hawaii. Hawaii Standard Time (HST) is UTC-10, while Phoenix, Arizona follows Mountain Standard Time (MST) which is UTC-7.
It is 97.46 miles according to MapQuest.
Phoenix, AZ is in the Mountain Standard Time (MST) zone, while Columbia, SC is in the Eastern Standard Time (EST) zone. The time difference between Phoenix and Columbia is 2 hours, with Phoenix being behind Columbia.
The map distance is 1,447.2 miles.
The answer is 1,349.22mi.
375 miles
Phoenix, Arizona is in the Mountain Standard Time (MST) zone, while Las Vegas, Nevada is in the Pacific Standard Time (PST) zone. The time difference between the two locations is one hour, with Las Vegas being one hour behind Phoenix.