Adelaide (CST/CDT; UTC+9:30/UTC+10:30) is 16.5 hours ahead of Nashville (CST/CDT; UTC-6/UTC-5) from early November through mid-March, 14.5 hours ahead from early April through early October, and 15.5 hours ahead the rest of the year.
Difference in local time in Adelaide and Singapore
The time difference between London, UK and Adelaide, Australia is typically 9.5 hours. Adelaide is ahead of London.
Western Australia is 14 hours ahead of Nashville, Tn.
The distance between Adelaide and Sydney is about 730 miles (1200km).
The tiny town of Cook (population: 4) on the Nullarbor Plain is halfway between Adelaide, South Australia and Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.
The flight distance from Perth, Australia to Adelaide, Australia is 1,329 miles / 2,138 km
Melbourne is in the Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) zone, and South Australia is in the Australian Central Standard Time (ACST) zone. There is a half-hour time difference between Melbourne and South Australia, with Melbourne being half an hour ahead.
When Adelaide is on Standard Time, Quito (UTC - 5 hours) is 14.5 hours behind Adelaide (UTC + 9.5 hours / UTC + 10.5 hours). When Adelaide is on Summer Time, Quito is 15.5 hours behind Adelaide. In Australia, Summer Time begins on the 1st Sunday of October and ends on the 1st Sunday of April. So when it's 7 AM ECT in Quito, the time in Adelaide is either 9:30 PM Central Standard Time or 10:30 PM Central Summer Time.
Perth to Adelaide is 2695 Kilometres.
5686 miles
Adelaide to London is about 16,000 kilometres.
The flight distance between Adelaide, South Australia and Naples, Italy is 16,058 km, which is equal to 9,978 miles.