When Cleveland is in Standard time, (First Sunday in November to second Saturday in March), Cleveland is 6 hours ahead of Hawaii.
When Cleveland is in Daylight Saving Time (Second Sunday in March to first Saturday in November), Cleveland is 5 hours ahead of Hawaii
Hawaii does not observe Daylight Saving time.
The time difference between France and Cleveland Ohio is - 6.00 Hrs. ( i .e when it is 11.00 AM in Cleveland, Ohio, it will be 5.00 PM in Paris )
When it is 10 pm in Hawaii, it is 4 am in Cleveland, Ohio. Hawaii is 6 hours behind Cleveland, Ohio.
Cleveland, Ohio is in the Eastern Time Zone, and Albuquerque, New Mexico is in the Mountain Time Zone. There is a 2-hour time difference between the two cities, with Albuquerque being 2 hours behind Cleveland.
It is 105 miles from Cleveland, Ohio to Bucyrus, Ohio.
There is no State between Toledo Ohio and Cleveland Ohio! Both are in the same State. Cleveland is in northeast Ohio at Lake Erie. Toledo Ohio is in the southwest corner of Ohio.
The distance between Cleveland, Ohio and Columbus, Ohio is approximately 140 miles.
There are about 2987.146 miles between Cleveland, Ohio and Fairbanks, Alaska.
If you are referring to Cleveland, Ohio and Tahiti in the French Polynesia, they are approximately 5950 miles away.
The driving distance from Cleveland, Ohio to Mason, Ohio is 227 miles.
Somerset, Pennsylvania is about halfway between Cleveland Ohio and Columbia Maryland
Germany was 6 hrs. ahead of Ohio in March 1938.
214 miles