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Marble, stone and volcanic rocks.

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Q: What is the temple of Jupiter at Pompeii made of?
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What was in the forum of Pompeii?

The Temple of Jupiter, Juno and Minerva.

How many Temples are there in Pompeii?

there were many but some people believe that the temple of Isis, Apollo and Jupiter were the main ones. this was posted by a WGS student

Who was the chief god of the Romans who had a large temple on the capitolinehill?

It was Jupiter. The temple was called Aedes Iovi Optimi Maximi Capitolini (Temple of Jupiter the Best on the Capitoline) which is rendered in English as the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus or Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus. It was the most important temple in Rome.

Who was the chief god of the Romans who had a large temple on the capitoline hill?

It was Jupiter. The temple was called Aedes Iovi Optimi Maximi Capitolini (Temple of Jupiter the Best on the Capitoline) which is rendered in English as the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus or Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus. It was the most important temple in Rome.

Why was the temple of Jupiter named after the Roman goddess Jupiter?

Jupiter was male, and therefore a god. The temple was built to honor Jupiter, hence having the same name.

What are three of Pompeii's buildings or structures?

The Forum which was the 'town centre' of Pompeii is a very important area. Important buildings inlcude, the Temple of Isis, the Temple of Jupiter, Juno and Minerva, The Temple of Apollo, the bakery, the covered theatre, the large theatre, the amphitheatre, the house of the tragic poet, the house of the faun, the brothel, the main public baths, the court room, the marine gate, the Herculaneum gate, the port, the house of the chaste lovers.

What happened inside the temple of Jupiter?

The Temple of Jupiter was a Roman temple dedicated to the god Jupiter. Inside, there would likely have been a statue or representation of Jupiter, as well as altars for offerings and ceremonies. The temple would have been a center of religious activity and worship for the ancient Romans.

What was the temple of Jupiter named after?

Jupiter, king of the Roman gods.

Where was the Roman temple of Jupiter built?

The ancient Romans built the Temple of Jupiter on Capitoline Hill. Almost at the center of the city.

What is the temple of Jupiter on capitoline hill?

The temple of Jupiter Otimus Capitolinus (the Best, Greatest Capitoline Jupiter) was a temple dedicated to the Capitoline Triad on the Capitoline Hill. This triad consisted of Jupiter, the king of gods, Minerva, queen and patron goddess of Rome, sister and wife of Jupiter, and Minerva, the goddess of wisdom, art, trade and strategy.

Did the Romans get art from Pompeii?

Get art? No. Pompeii was a Roman town and the Romans made art in Pompeii by creating frescoes and statuary and garden decor.Get art? No. Pompeii was a Roman town and the Romans made art in Pompeii by creating frescoes and statuary and garden decor.Get art? No. Pompeii was a Roman town and the Romans made art in Pompeii by creating frescoes and statuary and garden decor.Get art? No. Pompeii was a Roman town and the Romans made art in Pompeii by creating frescoes and statuary and garden decor.Get art? No. Pompeii was a Roman town and the Romans made art in Pompeii by creating frescoes and statuary and garden decor.Get art? No. Pompeii was a Roman town and the Romans made art in Pompeii by creating frescoes and statuary and garden decor.Get art? No. Pompeii was a Roman town and the Romans made art in Pompeii by creating frescoes and statuary and garden decor.Get art? No. Pompeii was a Roman town and the Romans made art in Pompeii by creating frescoes and statuary and garden decor.Get art? No. Pompeii was a Roman town and the Romans made art in Pompeii by creating frescoes and statuary and garden decor.

How many temples does Ares the greek God of War have?

not sure, there should only be one temple for each greek god . but there are similarities because Zeuses roman counterpart is Jupiter, there may be a temple of Zeus and a temple of Jupiter.