The driving distance is about 827 km (514 miles) from Dalyan to Istanbul, Turkey.
The air distance from Cardiff, Wales, to Dalyan, Turkey, is 1,855 miles. That equals 2,985 kilometers or 1,612 nautical miles.
Approximately 185 miles (300 km) and it takes about six ours to drive.
301km is the shortest distance via road
The nearest airport to Dalyan is in Dalaman which is located approximately 27 km (17miles) southeast.
It's about 40-50 degrees Celsius from June until august.
temperature in turkey today?
well what ever the kind of turkey is it has a different temperature
no turkey is a country
183 miles; three and a half hours.
what is the temperature in Brasilia in June
Dalyan is a small riverbank town by the Dalyan River in southwestern part of Turkey. The river divides this small Turkish town from the ancient ruins of Kaunos on the other side. Kaunos used to be an important city of the ancient Anatolian region of Caria, right on the border with Lycia. Kaunos has probably the best examples of Lycian tombs which were carved into the cliffs of a mountain. They were made by the Carians in Lycian styles in the form of Ionic temples for their noblemen and rulers. The tombs were later reused by the Romans. It is a fantastic place to visit really. It is a protected area so it is not a concrete town like many other touristy places nearby.