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MGL Chapter 187: Section 2. Easements by prescription

"No person shall acquire by adverse use or enjoyment a right or privilege of way or other easement from, in, upon or over the land of another, unless such use or enjoyment is continued uninterruptedly for twenty years."

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The statutory period is ten years. See the link provided below for a discussion of the requirements for claiming a prescriptive easement.

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Q: What is the statutory period for claiming a prescriptive easement in Massachusetts?
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Easement by prescription?

A prescriptive easement is an easement created from an open, adverse, and continuous use over a statutory period. If you have ever heard of adverse posession, it is essentially the same thing except that it creates an easement as opposed to someone acquiring the title to land. In some states (such as MA) the law also requires that the continuous use be "exclusive", meaning that only the person claiming the easement by prescription has been using it during the statutory period, not just everyone who comes along. Also, a prescriptive easement may be defeated if the landowner occasionally blocks the access to everyone. That way, anyone who incorrectly believes he or she has a right to go across the land will discover it is not true.

Can you sell a property with a prescriptive easement?

Answer: A "prescriptive easement" would run with the land and could not be conveyed separately.

If a property owner granted a utility company an easement after decades of licensed use does recording of the easement eliminate any prescriptive claims?

There would be no prescriptive claims in any case: licensed use is not hostile and a recorded easement presumes fair consideration.

How to prevent a prescriptive easement on my driveway which abuts neighbors easement?

Prescriptive easements are similar to the concept of adverse possession. A prescriptive easement can only be created if the other party is using your property without your consent, that use is continuous, and it is "open and notorious" and adverse to your claim of perfect title for the statutory period, which varies from state to state but is usually at least a few years. Then the other party would have to sue to quiet the title to the easement in their favor. So, all that mumbo-jumbo aside, just don't let a neighbor use your property. Let them know if they are using your property and you are unhappy with it. If you are civil, most folks are willing to be amicable. If the use continues, consult an attorney about your best course of action.

What is the statute of limitations regarding 'easements by prescription' in Indiana?

A quick check for information regarding prescriptive easements in Indiana yielded the following case. The section that recited the statutory period required to establish a prescriptive easement (20 years) is provided below. PAUL WILFONG vs THE CESSNA CORPORATION IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF INDIANA No. 47A01-0310-CV-406 August 3, 2004 "Prescriptive easements are not favored in the law, and in Indiana, the party claiming one must meet stringent requirements. Corporation for General Trade v. Sears, 780 N.E.2d 405, 410 (Ind. Ct. App. 2002). In order to establish the existence of a prescriptive easement, the evidence must show an actual, open, notorious, continuous, uninterrupted, adverse use for twenty years under a claim of right, or by continuous adverse use with the knowledge and acquiescence of the servient owner. Bauer v. Harris, 617 N.E.2d 923, 927 (Ind. Ct. App. 1993)."

If applying for an easement over your land by precription and has sold property whilst dispute is on does that make claim nul and void?

If you are the one who has filed a claim for a prescriptive easement over another person's property you should have recorded a notice of your claim in the land records. That notice is called a lis pendens. If someone has filed a claim to acquire a prescriptive easement over your property you must let a buyer know of the claim if you know about it. You should seek the advice of an attorney.

Does Massachusetts honor easement by prescription?

Yes. However, the easement would need to be perfected by a court order.Yes. However, the easement would need to be perfected by a court order.Yes. However, the easement would need to be perfected by a court order.Yes. However, the easement would need to be perfected by a court order.

Can a property easement be removed from a deed?

You can't have an easement removed from your land. You purchased the land subject to the easement because a prior owner granted another party some sort of rights in your land. The only way to remove the burden of an easement is to obtain a release in writing from the owner of the easement and then record the release in the land records. If the easement is used for access, it cannot be removed. Evidence of an easement can be removed from the deed description for land, however, removing the language from the deed will not affect the easement right. The easement will be disclosed during a title examination. In Massachusetts if the instrument that created the easement appears in the chain of title then it encumbers the property whether or not the easement is recited in subsequent deeds. That is a major reason to have a title examination performed by a professional. The title exam reveals encumbrances that are not recited on the deed and must cover a period of 50 years in. That period varies from state to state.

Can a business use a nonexclusive easement to get to their property?

The business can use the easement if it was granted the use of that easement in their deed.The business can use the easement if it was granted the use of that easement in their deed.The business can use the easement if it was granted the use of that easement in their deed.The business can use the easement if it was granted the use of that easement in their deed.

An easement was granted to the power co and now the power station and lines were removed can you build a horse race track with barns on this land that contains the easement?

No. You need to obtain a release of the easement from the utility company before you build anything on the portion that was affected by the power station and lines. The company can always reinstall new equipment within the easement area and demand that you remove any structures you have installed in violation of their easement rights. Try contacting their right of way or easement department to determine if and how you may obtain a release of their rights in your property. In Massachusetts the utility companies charges for researching and releasing an easement that is no longer used can run from $500-$1500. Some companies will not release an easement that is not being used.

Does access to an easement have to be provided if so isn't that another easement?

Access to an easement is usually provided in the document that granted the easement. There would be no point in granting an easement right that cannot be used.Access to an easement is usually provided in the document that granted the easement. There would be no point in granting an easement right that cannot be used.Access to an easement is usually provided in the document that granted the easement. There would be no point in granting an easement right that cannot be used.Access to an easement is usually provided in the document that granted the easement. There would be no point in granting an easement right that cannot be used.

Can you purchase an easement in the rear of your home?

Not likely, the easement is there because of something that the utility company has in place there. It also provides the ability to run utility lines from one place to another including your neighbors' homes. If the easement isn't being used by the utility company they may release it for a fee. In the case of very old easement rights in Massachusetts there are liaisons at the utility companies who can research an old easment for you and they will release it if it is not needed, no longer used or if it was never used. There is a fee of at least several hundred dollars.