

Best Answer

For ejection - 10 years, 7 years if you paid taxes for it.

177 F3d 748 United States v. Spahi

Under Washington law, there are four primary statutes under which a party may acquire title by adverse possession: (1) Washington Revised Code section 4.16.20, under which a party may acquire title by adversely possessing real property for a period of ten years; (2) section 7.28.070, under which a party may acquire title by adversely possessing real property under color of title and paying all taxes levied during that period; (3) section 7.28.050, which applies a seven year statute of limitations on the filing of any action to recover real property when the same is adversely possessed by one who has "a connected title in law or equity deducible of record from this state or the United States;" and (4) section 7.28.080, under which title to vacant land may be acquired by a person who, in good faith, has color of title and pays taxes on the property for seven years without necessarily "possessing" the property by hostile use.

Not sure if claiming adverse possession has a SoL itself.

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Q: What is the statute of limitations on adverse possession claims in Washington?
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The process for adverse possession in Michigan is a three step one. The first step is to decide what type of adverse possession it is. The second is a hostile takeover. The third is to remember the statute of limitations on the issue.

What is the new york state statute of limitations on adverse possession?

To make a claim of adverse possession, the claimant must occupy the property against the rights of the owner, but not hide the fact that he is occupying the property. The claimant must occupy the property continuously past the statute of limitations. If he is removed and then reoccupies, the clock on the statute resets. Also, the time cannot be passed (or 'tacked') on to another claimant. Requirements in NY: 1) the possessor must have actually entered the property and must have exclusive possession of the property; 2) the possession must be "open and notorious"; 3) the possession must be adverse to the rightful owner and under a claim of right; and 4) the possession must be "continuous" for the statutory period of ten years.

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If you're talking about a kidnapping charge, there is no statute of limitations.