I don't believe Colorado has a state dinosaur. The State fossil however, is the Stegosaurus.
I just found a site that gleefully admits they have too much time on their hands, dinosaur.org , that agrees with him. Additionally, they report that the city of Fruita, Colorado has co-opted the Ceratosaurus as their official city dinosaur. Denver's Transportation Expansion Project, nicknamed 'T-Rex', is a 20 year upgrade of the metropolitan highways and uses that's dinosaur's image on some of its construction signs, so the generation now growing up may revisit this discussion.
Stegosaurus became the state dinosaur of Colorado in 1982. Stegosaurus probably was chosen as the state dinosaur because it was discovered in Colorado, and it's an extremely famous type of dinosaur.
They might be unearthed in almost any state, but Montana, Wyoming and Colorado have been particularly good states for finds of dinosaur bones.
No the state of Ohio does not have a dinosaur.
Colorado National Monument - Fruita, CO Dinosaur National Monument - Vernal, Utah & Dinosaur, Colorado, CO,UT Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument - Florissant, CO Hovenweep National Monument - Blanding, Utah & Cortez, Colorado, CO,UT Yucca House National Monument - Cortez, CO
Arizona has not decided on a state dinosaur.
The web address of the Dinosaur Ridge is: http://www.dinoridge.org
Kansas has no state fossil or state dinosaur. However, birds are a type of dinosaur, and Kansas's state bird is the Western Meadowlark.
The web address of the Dinosaur Depot is: http://www.dinosaurdepot.com
The phone number of the Dinosaur Ridge is: 303-697-3466.
Barney the Dinosaur
Dinosaur National Monument is essentially a wilderness area encompassing approximately 220,000 acres located just north of the town of Dinosaur, Colorado (in the northwestern corner of Colorado) and spanning west to just north of the town of Jensen, Utah (northeastern Utah).