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Nhikil Bashir 7J

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Q: What is the slowest growing tree in the UK?
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What is the slowest growing tree?

The slowest growing tree is typically considered to be the bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva), which can grow as little as 1 inch (2.5 cm) in 100 years. These trees are known for their longevity, with some living for thousands of years.

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Are foot bones the slowest growing bones in the body?

Yes, foot bones are among the slowest growing bones in the body. The growth plates in the feet, known as epiphyseal plates, close around the late teens to early twenties, which is one reason why foot size tends to stop increasing significantly after that age.

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Europe's population is growing the slowest among all continents. Factors contributing to this slow growth include declining birth rates, an aging population, and lower levels of immigration compared to other regions.

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the dwarf seahorse is my guess. slower than sloth


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Which country has the slowest internet in the UK?

west pakistan

What Is the bodys fastest growing organ?

The liver is the fastest growing organ, whereas the eyeballs are one of the slowest

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I red that it's prostate, not 100% sure

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