The island of Ireland is about the same size as Austria, the Czech Republic or Scotland.
Ontario is 10% larger than Alaska
It is about 4.22 times the size of Ireland.
China has an area of 3,706,581 square miles. Divide that by Ieland's 31,520 square miles, and you have it! China is 117 times bigger than Ireland.
Northern Ireland is about 14,130 square kilometres. Qatar is about 11,571 square kilometres, meaning Northern Ireland is about 1.22 times larger.
Ireland is approximately the same size as the state of Indiana, located in t he mid-western United States. The population of Ireland is 3.84-million in the Republic of Ireland, and 1.7-million in Northern Ireland.
Ontario is 415,000 square miles, approximately twice the size of Texas which is 268,600 square miles.
Because, for example, it has a surface area of 31,820 sq mi compared to Erie's 9,940 sq mi.
I don't believe any lake is the size of Ontario. Perhaps the Caspian Sea is the size of Ontario. Ontario is enormous and contains thousands of lakes. Even Lake Ontario is nowhere near the size of province of the same name.
The population of the Republic of Ireland is around 4.5 million compared to the UK's of around 60 million. The UK's population is around 13 time bigger than Ireland.
England is 130,395 square kilometres or 50,346 square miles. Ireland is 84,421 square kilometres or 32,595 square miles. So England is about 1.54 times bigger than Ireland.
Uganda is about 2.85 times the size of Ireland. Ireland is 84,421 square kilometres. Uganda is 241,038 square kilometres.Uganda is about 2.85 times the size of Ireland. Ireland is 84,421 square kilometres. Uganda is 241,038 square kilometres.Uganda is about 2.85 times the size of Ireland. Ireland is 84,421 square kilometres. Uganda is 241,038 square kilometres.Uganda is about 2.85 times the size of Ireland. Ireland is 84,421 square kilometres. Uganda is 241,038 square kilometres.Uganda is about 2.85 times the size of Ireland. Ireland is 84,421 square kilometres. Uganda is 241,038 square kilometres.Uganda is about 2.85 times the size of Ireland. Ireland is 84,421 square kilometres. Uganda is 241,038 square kilometres.Uganda is about 2.85 times the size of Ireland. Ireland is 84,421 square kilometres. Uganda is 241,038 square kilometres.Uganda is about 2.85 times the size of Ireland. Ireland is 84,421 square kilometres. Uganda is 241,038 square kilometres.Uganda is about 2.85 times the size of Ireland. Ireland is 84,421 square kilometres. Uganda is 241,038 square kilometres.Uganda is about 2.85 times the size of Ireland. Ireland is 84,421 square kilometres. Uganda is 241,038 square kilometres.Uganda is about 2.85 times the size of Ireland. Ireland is 84,421 square kilometres. Uganda is 241,038 square kilometres.