Mexico area: 761,606 sq mi (1,972,550 sq km)
Pakistan area: 340,403 sq mi (803,940 sq km)
Two countries the size of Pakistan, one the size of Sri Lanka (25,330 sq mi) and one the size of Bangladesh (55,598 sq mi) would sum the total area of Mexico.
India won the cricket in Pakistan vs India
Some key players from the Pakistan squad are set to be Jason Gillespie's lethal weapons against the Kangaroos in the Australia vs Pakistan ODI series.
Pakistan Win this final
1.7 countries the size of Colombia would fit inside Mexico (1.9 million km2 vs 1.1 million km2)
no. no such is in the mind of politicians
Mexico didn't classify, as it had a horrible season: Mexico vs. Cuba: 4-0 Mexico vs. Haiti: 1-1 Mexico vs. El Salvador: 0-1 Mexico vs. Canada: 1-1 Mexico vs. Honduras: 0-0 At the end, Honduras and El Salvador classified and played on the '82 World Cup.
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