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Q: What is the similartity between kashmir and Taiwan?
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Is kashmir a contested area between India and Bangladesh?

Kashmir is a contested area between India and Pakistan.

What body of water is in between China and Taiwan?

This is the Taiwan Strait.

What bodies of water are between China and Taiwan?

The Taiwan Straight

Who was the third party in the Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan?

The Kashmir insurgents were the third party in the Kashmir dispute, along with the Indians and Pakistanis. The insurgents were split between wanting independence and wanting to be part of Pakistan.

Why is Kashmir one of the main trouble spots in south Asia?

Kashmir is a source of tension between India & Pakistan because different countries keep claiming Kashmir.

The religious tension in Kashmir is mainly between?

It is between Hindus and Muslims

What religion do most people in Kashmir practice?

The people of Kashmir are almost equally divided, numerically, between Hinduism and Islam.

Why Kashmir is kept outside in all Indian Acts in India?

Because Kashmir is the disputed region between India and Pakistan and eye of content between both countries.

Where is Srinagar?

It is in INDIA between JAMMU KASHMIR state.

What is the difference between a kashmir willow and an English willow?

Kashmir willow is more cheaper and weaker than English willow. Many famous cricketers such as Alistair Cook use Kashmir willow

Who has the kashmir?

it is a disputed territory between india, pakistan and china

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