3 hrs 3 hrs
Vancouver, BC (YVR) to Beijing (BJS)Shortest Flight Duration 11 hours 0 mins
It will take around 10 hours and 45 minutes.
it is 8 hours and 15 mins and there is one stoppage
Vancouver Washington has a general aviation airport and no scheduled air service. The flying time would depend on the type of private aircraft that would be flying. Vancouver, WA is part of the Portland metro area, between Los Angeles, CA (LAX) to Portland, OR (PDX) Shortest Flight Duration: 2 hours 13 mins Utilizing a private aircraft to fly into Vancouver, WA the time would be in the area of 2 hours 30 minutes.
The shortest time is 10 hours and 46 minutes.
For direct flights, about 14.5 hours flying time to Wellington, NZ. This is time 'in the air' and excludes ground activities.
3 hours
According to HowManyHours.com it takes about 5 hours
32 hours
The flying time is 3 hours 12 minutes average passenger airliner Melbourne, Australia to Wellington NZ
The flight time is 11 hours, 12 minutes.