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salary range for surgeons

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Q: What is the salary range for doctors in Trinidad and Tobago?
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Which is the highest mountain range in Trinidad and tobago?

the hightest moutain range in the island of Trinidad and Tobago

How many mountains are there in Trinidad and Tobago?

El Cerro del Aripo (940 m a.s.l.) is the highest point in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. It is part of the AripoMassif and is located in the Northern Range on the island of Trinidad, northeast of the town of Arima.

What is the range of elevations in Trinidad and tobafo?

Trinidad and Tobago has two wide ranges of elevations. At its lowest point, Trinidad and Tobago sits exactly at sea level. However, at its highest point, the country has an elevation that reaches 940 meters.

What is the highest mountain peak in the southern range in Trinidad n tobago?

I need an answer! ;( help me please its for my homework!!

What is a surgical doctors salary?

a lot 280,000.00 that is just for new Doctors Range can be as much as 387,000.00

In witch country are the Northern Range Mountains?

The Northern Range Mountains are in Trinidad and Tobago, a country located in the Caribbean. They run along the northern part of the island of Trinidad and are known for their lush tropical forests and diverse flora and fauna.

What is teachers salary in Trinidad and Tobago?

It depends on your classification whether you are assessed as a Teacher I, II, III and the year in which you start to work in the Public Service will determine the range you are paid in. There salary paid is different for Primary School teachers and secondary school teachers. The average salary for a teacher in primary school currently is $6200 and secondary school $7200

What is the Caroni river?

The Caroni River is the largest river in Trinidad and Tobago, running for 28 miles from its origins in the Northern Range on the island of Trinidad, through the northern lowlands of the Caroni Plains and enters the Gulf of Paria at the Caroni Swamp.

What is kiddies?

Kiddies Carnival is where children get to display their costumes. They range in ages from toddlers to teens. It is held on the Saturday before Carnival begins. This all takes place in Trinidad and Tobago.

What is kiddies carnival?

Kiddies Carnival is where children get to display their costumes. They range in ages from toddlers to teens. It is held on the Saturday before Carnival begins. This all takes place in Trinidad and Tobago.

What is the annual salary range of a general medical doctor?

The annual salary range of a general medical doctor is 147,000 dollars or more. Much depends on whether they have their own practice or are in practice with other doctors.

What is the salary range for assistant internal auditors in Trinidad?

depends on the amount of experience but can start at TTD 8500 per month without any experience.