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The London Borough of Richmond, although it is often incorrectly identified as Kensington and Chelsea.

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Q: What is the richest borough in New York City?
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What city is Brooklyn part of?

Its a borough of New York City

A borough is a political division of new york city find a borough in new york city that begins in the letter q?

The borough of Queens.

Is Manhattan the easternmost borough of New York City?

No, Queens is the easternmost borough of New York City. Manhattan is the second-westernmost borough, after Staten Island.

What city in New York are the Yankees from?

The Yankees play in the Bronx, which is located in New York City, New York.

What borough is The Bronx?

The Bronx is the northernmost borough of New York City. It is also the only New York City borough that is not an island or part of an island, but is attached to the mainland of New York State. The Bronx is also the only New York City borough that has a river running through it: The Bronx River.

What is the difference between New York City and Manhattan?

The borough of Manhattan is a part of New York City. The City of New York is divided into five sections (the boroughs are actually counties), Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx, and Staten Island. Each borough but Manhattan, have their own borough president, but most of the power is held by the mayor of New York City.

What is a borough assessor?

a borough is one of the five division of New York City. :)

What region is Yankee stadium in?

Yankee Stadium is located in the New York City Bronx borough.

Why isn't Harlem a borough of New York City?

Why would it be? There is no reason for a neighborhood to be made into a borough. If every New York City neighborhood were made into a borough, the city would have about 1000 boroughs, instead of just 5.

Is New York near Brooklyn?

Brooklyn is a borough in the city of New York, in the state of New York.

What borough is Harlem in?

Manhattan. Harlem is in the New York City borough of Manhattan.

Which New York city borough is on the mainland?

The Bronx.