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His favorite wife, Rachel, was the daughter of his uncle Leban.

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Q: What is the relationship between Jacob's favorite wife and the head of the 12 tribes?
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What does Jacob's 12 sons represent or symbolize?

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Do states recognized tribes get the same benefits from the federal government as do the federally recognized tribes?

State recognized tribes do not get nearly the amount of benefits that federally recognized tribes do. Federally recognized tribes have a government to government relationship with the US government, while state recognized tribes only have a limited one with the state they are located in.

What is the relationship between pathans and Jews?

There's no provable relationship. The Pathani (Pashtuns) are a Muslim people spread between Pakistan and Afghanistan. There is a theory, supported by certain oral traditions among the Pathani themselves, that they (or some of them) are descended from the Ten Tribes of the Israelites. This theory is not nearly as far-fetched as those concerning certain other hypothetical descendants of the Ten Tribes, but to date it has been neither proven nor disproven. See also the attached Related Link.