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When the character went for a run. The character say these kids playing on there lawn. Suddenly the 4 year old Caucasian shouts and commands the 5 year old darker skin to do whatever he says. For example "Pick up that stick", "Jump into the flowers", "Go get me a cup of water". The character was shocked. Couldn't understand this. The next day the character goes for there run and saw the 2 kids out again playing. But this time the 5 year old darker skin was commanding the white 4 year old boy to do whatever he says. The character was confused. The character saw a white man standing on the the same lawn as the 2 kids. the character walked towards the man and explained everything that they felt. The man replied saying "I know all about the game, the boys are brothers-my sons." he pointed to a handsome brown woman on the veranda who had just come out to call in the children. "That's my wife," he said. The character smiled, there spirit laughed within them. This is Jamaica, I said in my heart, This is my country-my people

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Q: What is the relation of the title 'jamaican fragment' to the story?
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The title must come from your story! Write the story first, then your title will have come to you from what you wrote.

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The title of a film should have some relation to the main theme of the film. For instance: Saving Private Ryan - is a war film based on saving a private soldier, with other story lines interwoven within the main theme. A film entitled Cinderella would or should be a film/cartoon based on the children's fairytale of Cinderella. The film, Enemy at the Gates, is a true story during the Battle for Stalingrad, but you wouldn't know that Stalingrad and World War II was involved simply from the title.

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The title comes from the story, not the other way around! Finish your story and you'll find the title from what you've written.

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You're going about it backwards, I'm afraid - the title comes last, not first. Finish your story and the title will come out of what you've written!

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The title must come from your story, not the other way around! Write the story first, and then you can find the title yourself!

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you will get your title either by the first or last sentence of the story , but you mainly find the title to be what the topic of the story was about or the turning point of the story

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You're going about it backwards -- the title comes fromthe story, not the other way around. Write your story first and you'll find the title as you write.