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No one knows besides Arnott's food company

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Q: What is the recipe for Tim tams?
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Related questions

Why do people like Tim tams?

They are yummy, I love Tim Tams by the way, I'm Australian

Where can you buy Tim tams in Sweden?

What is Tim-tam?

Tim Tams are chocolates that are from Australia.

Are Tim Tams Australian?

Because they are Australian

For which foods is Australia well known?

Tim Tams and Vegemite!

Are Tim tams unhealthy?

Yes, they're full of sugar!

What is the best selling candy bar in New Zealand?

Tim Tams

What continent serves Tim tams musk sticks and fairy bread?


What is some nice food from Australia?

Vegemite, Tim Tams, Lamingtons, Pavlova

How much are Tim Tams?

The price of Tim Tams varies between places, but they range from between $2.20 a packet to $3.60 and who ever it is who keeps changing this to 2.40 to 2.80 stop it caz i have a place down the street that sells them for 3.60

What are the best foods from Australia?

Vegemite, Tim Tams, Lamingtons, Pavlova and ANZAC biscuits :)

What is Australia's most famous food?

Either Vegemite, Tim Tams, Pavlova, Lamingtons or ANZAC biscuits.