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Q: What is the rate of people who read and write in Mexico?
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Do Mexico read and write?

Mexico is a country and countries don't read or write.But Mexicans can read and write. In 2004, the literacy rate was at 97% for youth under the age of 14 and 91% for people over 15, placing Mexico at the 24th place in the world rank accordingly to UNESCO

What is the term for percentage of people who can read and write?

the term used to refer the percantage of people who can read and write is called literecy rate.

Did people in Mexico know how to read and write?

Yes. 95.1% of Mexicans 15 and older can read and write (2012 est.)

What is literacy rate?

Literacy rate is the percentage of people in a population who can read and write at a specified age, usually measured at age 15 or older. It is an important indicator of a country's educational attainment and development level.

What is the literacy rate of Cancun Mexico?

Approximately 87.8% of Veracruz population age 15 and over can read and write.

What is the litercay in Mexico?

91% of people older than 15 can read and write.

What is Venezuela's literacy rate?

93% of people in Venezuela can read and write.

What means number of people in a country who can read and write?

Literacy rate.

What percent of people in Bangladesh could read and write?

Total 81.59% people can read and write. Most of them are female.

What is the population of people that can read and write over the age of 16 in Mexico?

91% or 71.64 million Mexicans out of 78.73 million - 15 and older - Mexicans are able to read.This means there are 7.08 million people in Mexico unable to read or write.

What percentage of people can read in Ghana?

As of 2018, the literacy rate in Ghana was reported to be around 79%, meaning that approximately 79% of the population aged 15 and above can read and write.

How many people in Kenya can read and write?

According to the latest data from UNESCO, the literacy rate in Kenya is around 78%. This means that approximately 78 out of 100 people in Kenya are able to read and write.