Whoever told you that the Hereford breed is a dual purpose breed is a numb-nut with his/her head stuck in the clouds. Herefords are and were solely bred for their meat, however docility was bred into these cows because of the people that originally bred and created them.
Hereford is a pure breed, and the origin of the colour pattern of the Hereford breed is pretty much unknown. So you can't find two breeds to cross to find Hereford, unless you can find a Hereford cow and a Hereford bull and "find" a Hereford calf!
The population of Hereford is 55,800.
A female Hereford
Hereford is in the county of Herefordshire.
Hereford is a town in England. Hereford is also a beef breed of cattle that originated in England.
Bishop of Hereford's Bluecoat School was created in 1973.
Diocese of Hereford was created in 676.
Margaret of Hereford was born in 1122.
Edgar of Hereford died in 930.
Battle of Hereford happened in 760.
Wulfhelm of Hereford died in 934.