The price to stay at the New York New York Hotel costs around $524 per night. This includes the actual price per night and the VAT charged on the price per night.
In West Virginia, the price of gravel is $17 to $23 dollars per ton. Limestone is one of their industries there.
The price per ton for gravel in Missouri will depend on where you are and what kind of gravel you're buying. You can get it for as little as $4.25 a ton for ordinary gravel up to $32.00 a ton for specialty gravels.
Today, the gas prices in New York range from $4.00 per gallon to $4.30 per gallon. (Friday, November 2 , 2012)
$17.55/ton delivered out of Cadiz, Ohio. $10.70 if you haul it. That's for #57 type gravel.
An average price of real estate in New York is approximately 1300 dollars per square foot. The average listing price is about 2 million depending on the area.
In 2009 the average hotel price in New York City fell to 192$ per night. Before that it was 208$ per night.
According to the New York Home Propane Price Monitoring Program, the current price of propane in New York is 295.9 cents per gallon. This was the current price as of May 15, 2012.