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Q: What is the present name of the area called East Pakistan until 1971?
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Was Bangladesh once called East Pakistan?

yes it was. Pakistan , India and bangaldesh where one country but they seperated.Bangladesh was called East Pakistan and Pakistan was called West Pakistan. First India wanted their own country so they had a war with Pakistan and Pakistan won then Bangladesh also wanted their own country so they had a war and they won

Explain the relaionship between Bangladesh and Pakistan and their connection to India?

Bangladesh and Pakistan were once a joint country from 1941 to 1971 until bangladesh declared independence.Both Bangladesh and Pakistan was a joint country from the years 1941 to 1971. They were a joint country until Bangladesh wanted freedom.

When did Bangladesh separated from Pakistan?

BANGLADESH was separated from Pakistan on 16 DECEMBER 1971.

What was the old name of Bangladesh?

East PakistanUntil it achieved independence in 1971, Bangladesh (aka People's Republic of Bangladesh) was East Pakistan, a large exclave of West Pakistan (now Pakistan) created by the 1947 partition of India into Hindu and Islamic countries.

What year was the nation of Bangladesh formed?

Constitutionally, Bangladesh was founded on 26 March, 1971 after it had been a part of Pakistan for 24 years. On 25 March, 1971, Pakistan invaded the then East Pakistan (Bangladesh) and killed thousands of people there. As a result, East Pakistan responded with the proclamation of independence on 26 March, 1971. Since then, until 16 December Bangladesh had remained at war with Pakistan's invading forces for 9 months before Pakistani troops surrendered on 16 December, 1971. Thus, Bangladesh was founded on 26 March, 1971 as a state. But it gained actual freedom and sovereignty on 16 December, 1971.

How does population of east Pakistan?

There is East Pakistan after 1971

Where Pakistan after will be five year?

I thank Pakistan will be after five years will be a very poor country in the all world, this time Pakistan will go on path on 1971.first of all big problems of Pakistan is corruption and second is is education

East Pakistan seceded from Pakistan in 1971 to become?


What country did Bangladesh gain its independence from?

It was a part of Pakistan. It was called east Pakistan and was treated with inferiority from the west Pakistan(the current Pakistan). After the victory in the liberation war Bangladesh was born.

What did east Pakistan became in 1971?

Pakistan got split in 1971 and a new country with the name "Bangladesh" came into being which was formerly known as Eastern Pakistan.

What was the name of the war between Pakistan and India in 1971?

In 1971, Pakistan attacked Bangladesh (Former East Pakistan). Later India came to help the Bangladeshis to defeat the Pakistan and gain independence.

When Bangladesh was liberated on?

26-March-1971 is celebrated as the Independence Day of Bangladesh. It was liberated from Pakistan after Bangladesh Liberation War (also called India-Pakistan War of 1971). However, it should be noted that 26-March-1971 is the date when the war began. The war actually ended on 16-December-1971 when Lt. Gen A. A. K. Niazi, CO of Pakistan Armed forces signed the instrument of surrender.