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Q: What is the pound bite force for a Siberian Husky?
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What is the pound bite force of a Siberian Husky?

it is approxitematerly 3000 pounds

What is the bite force of a siberian husky?

it is approxitematerly 3000 pounds

How does a Siberian husky protect itself?

It will bite or snap. It might bare its teeth or growl and bark.

What is the bite force of a squirrel in pound?

The bite force of the Eastern Grey squirrel can exceed 7000 pounds.

How do siberian huskies protect themselves?

it depends on where they live, if they live in the snow without an owner/wild they will bark or growl at you if they think you will hurt them. if they are pets, they do not need to much protection because they live in a house.

What is the bite force of Siberian tiger?

Average bite force of all tigers is around 1000 psi, so that should remain the same, though may be a little higher, for a Siberian.

How strong are huskies?

I have a three year old female Siberian Husky,, and I’ll tell you in a pulling match, tug of war, I put her against my Shepherd/mastiff 130lbs any day of the week, she wins almost every Time! So huskies are pretty strong dogs!

How can a Siberian husky protect itself?

Truthfully, they don't protect much. they're more of a family dog and love to be around u. but they have times where they get mad and bark at you. be sure to not teach them how to bite. mine used to bite and we barely got him to stop. Keep your husky happy and good and exercise him well!

What is the Bite force of a white tiger?

The bite force of a white tiger is estimated to be around 1,000 pounds per square inch (psi). This powerful bite force allows them to effectively hunt and kill prey in the wild.

How sharp are Siberian husky teeth?

A husky's teeth are sharp enough to defend themselves from any predators but not as sharp as a Great White shark, and yes, a husky's bite can make you bleed, but only if they bite hard. -Kayla G.S. Ottawa ON

Is a German shepherd stronger than a husky?

No. Huskies have bigger jaws and bigger teeth than german shepherds, and they produce more biting force pressure. Siberian huskies have more body weight and mass than german shepherds, making them have stronger weight strength.

How long can a husky dog live without food and water?

My Sons Siberian husky was with out water for 45 minutes in the hot sun and almost die, feel so sorry it happened , we where gona go to grab a bite to eat and we had an accident in the freeway, spent 45 minutes exchanging insurance information when we got home animal control was there, i guess thanks tol lthe neighbor called the dog pound