One can find information on Iwakuni in Japan from many different online sources. Some dedicated examples of Iwakuni information include USMC Life, MCCS Iwakuni.
Okinawa, Japan is about 795.5 miles from Iwakuni, Japan. It is about a 32-hour long trip if taken by car.
The postal code of Japan consists of a total of 7 numbers (e.g. XXX-XXXX). The postal code represents normally a region inside of Japan, not an exact place.
You can drive or take a plane.
55 kilometers .
There are 528.3 miles separating Iwakuni, Japan and Tokyo, Japan. The drive takes from 10 hours 1 minute to 10 hours 15 minutes.
The air distance from Memphis, Tennessee, to Iwakuni, Japan, is 6,940 miles. That equals 11,169 kilometers or 6,031 nautical miles.
The country code and area code of Hitachi- Ibaraki, Japan is 81, (0)294.
About 300km(186Miles) between Iwakuni and Kobe. About 5 hours (total 330km) by car. About 3 hours by local train and Shinkansen(bullet train), which costs 10,500Yen(US$116) Iwakuni reminds me of Iwakuni US navy base.
Jun Suenaga was born in Iwakuni City, in Japan.
Tetsundo Iwakuni was born in 1936.
Iwakuni Junior College was created in 1971.