Yes Reading and Berks County are both in the state of Pennsylvania *In fact Reading is part of Berks County
Berks County, Pennsylvania
The market value for a liquor license in berks county Pennsylvania is between $80-120,000
Berks County / Wernersville, Pennsylvania
Reading is in Berks County, Pennsylvania
The address of the Historic Preservation Trust Of Berks County Pennsylvania is: Po Box 245, Douglassville, PA 19518-0245
Taylor's place of birth is Reading, Pennsylvania, which is in Berks County.
Wernersville is a borough in Berks County, Pennsylvania, United States.
The phone number of the Berks County Heritage Center is: 610-372-8939.
The address of the Berks County Heritage Center is: 2201 Tulpehocken Rd, Wyomissing, PA 19610
The web address of the Historical Society Of Berks County Museum And Library is:
Danial Boone. He was born in Berks county Pennsylvania.