More than US $ 1billion
The Indian veterinary Pharma Market Size is 1157 Cr. as on 2006.It is growing at the rate of 8 to 10% per annum. So the Market size in 2008-2009 would be approx 1500 Cr. S.S.MANIAN
As of July 2014, the market cap for Cerulean Pharma Inc. (CERU) is $102,023,675.91.
As of July 2014, the market cap for Cardiome Pharma Corporation (CRME) is $111,593,086.36.
As of July 2014, the market cap for Acceleron Pharma Inc. (XLRN) is $877,615,787.70.
Northe America, Europe, Japan are the most regulated pharma markets in the world.
Except USA,Europe&japan
market economy
market economy
Is the Tiger`s beer of Cambodia Brewery Limited company (CBL). CBL wins around 70% of beer market in Cambodia.
He is creating of demand he is creating market he is creating customer