my son is being indicted for a felony charge in NH . He was arrested for disorderly conduct , possesion of marijuana and a knife . How much time is he facing ?
what is the penalty for a class 2 felony in mi
3 years
The maximum penalty for a Class B Felony in Hawaii is 10 years in prison. The average person charged with this felony typically only serves 18 months in jail and is given probation.
what the penalty for class c felony in nyc
5 to 10 years
The penalties and even the crimes and their definitions vary from state to state. Not all states have a Class C felony.
5 to 10 years
A class D felony in Connecticut is punishable by imprisonment of between one and five years and a fine of up to $5,000.
It's a class D felony.
2-5 years (Class 3 Felony)
class 1 felony 20 years to life
Vehicular Manslaughter in Missouri is a Class B felony. A Class B felony is punishable with a minimum sentence of 5 years & a maximum of 15 years.