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The Fellahin

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Q: What is the name used for Egypt's subsistence farmers?
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Related questions

What is the name of the writing the ancient egypts used?

The name of the formal Egyptian writing is hieroglyphs.

What type of farming was used in the southern colonies?

Mostly subsistence farming although some farmers did raise cash crops.

Name a form of technology used by farmers that increases the amount of work farmers can do?

A tractor.

Were does most of west Africa's farmers grow crops?

Most of the West African farmers grow crops on community land. Villages have small land patches where anyone in the village is free to grow crops. A lot of the crops are used for subsistence.

What is the Nubian system of writing?

its not egypts for sure these guys are wrong

Did colonial subsistances farmers grow only enough for themselves?

Colonial subsistence farmers typically grew enough crops to meet the basic needs of their own families. Any surplus harvest could be used for trading or selling, but the primary focus was on sustaining their own household.

How did the egypts make their art?

they used litttle and dlicated crystals to do it you can see their god in paint

How is land used in Angola?

For subsistence farming, minefields and graveyards.

Is most of Africa's farmland used for subsistence farming?


What kind of farming only produces enough food for your own family?

It is called subsistence farming.

What was the name of the labor saving device used for farmers during the Industrial Revolution?


What is the majority of Africa's farmland is used for?

I seriously think that it is subsistence farming