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Q: What is the name of the tribe that lived in the area of Canberra before it became the capital of Australia?
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Was Australia's capital city formerly Melbourne?

Melbourne was never the capital of Australia. There is a common misconception that, because Melbourne was the temporary seat of government between Federation (1901) and 1927, that it was also the capital. This was not the case, as it was never officially designated the title of Capital, even temporarily. Australia's two largest cities, Sydney and Melbourne, had been rivals since before the goldrush days. It was therefore decided that the nation's capital should be situated between the two cities. A location was chosen which was 248km from Sydney and 483km from Melbourne. Thus, Canberra became Australia's first, and only, capital city.

Is Canberra the capital of Australia?

Yes. Canberra has always been the capital of Australia. Although the city was only used as a capital from 1927, there was no other capital of Australia before then. There is a misconception that Melbourne was once the capital of Australia because it housed the Federal parliament for 27 years. The only reason for this was that Melbourne was the only Australian city with a building large enough to hold the Parliament. Melbourne was never the capital of Australia.

What was Australia's capital city before Canberra'?

It is often thought that Melbourne was the temporary national capital from federation in 1901 until the opening of Canberra in 1927. In actuality, Melbourne was never officially the capital city of Australia, but it was the temporary seat of power in Australia - a fine line of difference. From 1901 to 1927, the Australian Parliament met in Parliament House, Melbourne, which it borrowed from the parliament of the state of Victoria, which in turn sat in the Exhibition Building. Sydney was never the capital, or even acting capital of Australia.

What two cities are fighting to become capital of Australia?

The capital of Australia is Canberra, and it is not under threat of being usurped from this position as National Capital. The city of Canberra was built for the purpose of it becoming the national capital of Australia, and land for the Australian Capital Territory (originally Federal Territory of Australia) was purchased from New South Wales for the purpose. Australia's two largest cities, Sydney and Melbourne, had been rivals since before the goldrush days. After Federation in 1901, it was therefore decided that the nation's capital should be situated between the two cities. A location was chosen which was 248km from Sydney and 483km from Melbourne.

Why did Australia's capital change?

Australia's capital never changed. There was no capital when the colonies federated to form the states of the Commonwealth of Australia in 1901. It was several years before the site for Canberra was selected, and the foundations were not dug until 1913.Melbourne was the temporary seat of power in Australia - a fine line of difference. From 1901 to 1927, the Australian Parliament met in Parliament House, Melbourne, which it borrowed from the parliament of the state of Victoria, which in turn sat in the Exhibition Building. This had to occur whilst the city of Canberra and Parliament House was being built.

What was the former capital of Australia?

It is often thought that Melbourne was the temporary national capital from federation in 1901 until the opening of Canberra in 1927. In actuality, Melbourne was never officially the capital city of Australia, but it was the temporary seat of power in Australia - a fine line of difference. From 1901 to 1927, the Australian Parliament met in Parliament House, Melbourne, which it borrowed from the parliament of the state of Victoria, which in turn sat in the Exhibition Building. Sydney was never the capital, or even acting capital of Australia.

Was Canberra made capital of Australia in the year 1911?

No. Canberra was not even built in 1911.The city of Canberra was built for the purpose of it becoming the national capital of Australia. Australia's two largest cities, Sydney and Melbourne, had been rivals since before the goldrush days. After Federation in 1901, it was therefore decided that the nation's capital should be situated between the two cities. A location was chosen which was 248km from Sydney and 483km from Melbourne. However, The NSW government ceded land for the new Australian Capital Territory to the Commonwealth Government, and the Australian Capital Territory was founded on 1 January 1911.The first survey peg marking the beginning of the development of the city of Canberra was driven in on 20 February 1913, but the city did not yet have a name.On 12 March 1913, Canberra was formally named at the laying of a foundation stone on Capital Hill. It was at this ceremony that Lady Denman, wife of the Governor-General, then announced the name of the city as Canberra, believed to be a derivation of an Aboriginal word for 'meeting place'.

When was Canberra discovered?

It was never discovered. The city Canberra was built just so Australia could have a Capital. People couldn't decide if Melbourne or Sydney should be the Capital of Australia so people made a city called Canberra between Sydney and Melbourne to be Australia's Capital.Further information:Cities themselves are not discovered, but the regions where they come to be built are discovered.The local Aboriginal nation, comprising the Ngambri and the Ngunnawal people, had been living in the Canberra region long before Europeans first found it.Following European settlement of the continent, where Australia's capital city, Canberra, is now located became rich farming land known as Limestone Plains. Little-known Australian explorer Joseph Wild, an ex-convict, together with James Vaughan and Charles Throsby, first explored the area in 1815.

Why is Canberra named the Australian capital territory?

Canberra is not named the Australian Capital Territory. Canberra is Australia's federal capital, and it lies within the territory of the ACT, or Australian Capital Territory. The NSW government ceded land for the new Australian Capital Territory to the Commonwealth Government, and the Australian Capital Territory was founded on 1 January 1911. Australia's capital could not be either of the two largest cities, Sydney and Melbourne, as the two cities had been rivals since before the goldrush days. It was therefore decided that the nation's capital should be situated between the two cities. A location was chosen which was 248km from Sydney and 483km from Melbourne, within easy access of both cities.

In which city did the Australian Commonwealth Parliament meet before Canberra?

Prior to the construction of the Australian Parliament House, the Federal Parliament met in Melbourne, capital city of Victoria, for the simple reason that it was the only city with a building large enough to house the parliament.

When was Canberra chosen to be the capital of Australia?

The city of Canberra was built for the purpose of it becoming the national capital of Australia, and land for the Australian Capital Territory (originally Federal Territory of Australia) was purchased from New South Wales for the purpose.Australia's two largest cities, Sydney and Melbourne, had been rivals since before the goldrush days. After Federation in 1901, it was therefore decided that the nation's capital should be situated between the two cities. A location was chosen which was 248km from Sydney and 483km from Melbourne.Section 125 of the Constitution of Australia provided that:"The seat of Government of the Commonwealth shall be determined by the Parliament, and shall be within territory which shall have been granted to or acquired by the Commonwealth, and shall be vested in and belong to the Commonwealth, and shall be in the State of New South Wales, and be distant not less than one hundred miles from Sydney.Such territory shall contain an area of not less than one hundred square miles, and such portion thereof as shall consist of Crown lands shall be granted to the Commonwealth without any payment therefore. The Parliament shall sit at Melbourne until it meets at the seat of Government."Once it was decided that Australia's capital would be neither Melbourne nor Sydney, the Federal Capital Territory was founded, on 1 January 1911, in the Yass-Canberra district. The Yass/Limestone Plains area, where Canberra now stands, had actually been settled as far back as the 1820s.From 1901 to 1927, the Australian Parliament met in Parliament House, Melbourne, which it borrowed from the parliament of the state of Victoria, which in turn sat in the Exhibition Building. However, Melbourne was never the capital city of Australia.

When was Canberra chosen to be the Capital?

Shortly after Australia's Federation on 1 January 1901, it was decided that the nation's capital should not be either Sydney or Melbourne, but should be situated between the two cities.Once it was decided that Australia's capital would be neither Melbourne nor Sydney, land for the Australian Capital Territory (originally Federal Territory of Australia) was purchased from New South Wales for the purpose. The Federal Capital Territory was founded, on 1 January 1911, in the Yass-Canberra district. The first survey peg marking the beginning of the development of the city of Canberra was driven in on 20 February 1913. On 9 May 1927, Parliament moved to the new national capital at Canberra, where it met in what is now called Old Parliament House.