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The trail from Santa Fe to Los Angeles is called the "Old Spanish trail".

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Q: What is the name of the trail that went from Santa Fe to San Diego?
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What direction does the Santa Fe trail run?

The Santa Fe Trail went southwest.

What trail is better for you Santa Fe trail or Mormon trail?

If you were a business person, you took goods to sell on the Santa Fe Trail. If you wanted to pan for gold, or farm new lands, you went on the Oregon Trail.

What states does the Santa Fe Trail go through?

The Santa Fe Trail started in Missouri, and went through Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado, to Santa Fe, New Mexico.

What was the name of the middle school did nick cannon went to?

Attended Santa Monica Community College, Santa Monica, CA

What was the Trail that connected the US with Santa Fe?

The Fort Smith-Santa Fe Trail, also know as the Gregg Route. The route was pioneered by Josiah Gregg, a Santa Fe trader who went from Santa Fe, New Mexico to Fort Smith, Arkansas through the Indian Territory during March of 1840. The goldseekers used this route in 1849 on their way to California.

Where was the Santa Fe Trail used as a trade route?


Which exact direction did the Santa Fe expedition travel when it left Austin Texas?

From Austin, you would travel north to intersect with the Santa Fe Trail, and then go west to Santa Fe. There may have been other trails that went more directly northwest.

What is the Gila Trail?

The Gila Trail was a complex of trails (not a single trail) running roughly parallel to the Gila River, south of the river, from the vicinity of Tucson to Yuma. The trail(s) probabaly originated with Native Americans, and was used by Spanish colonists and Mexicans, and later by people from the USA. Many forty-niners used the Gila trail as part of the "Southwest Trail" from El Paso to southern California. In 1849, land south of the Gila was still part of Mexico. It became US soil with the Gadsen Purchase. Gila trail is a trail that starts at Santa Fe and follows the Gila River to San Diego. The Gila Trail starts at Santa Fe and went to the Gila Mountain, then west to Santa Cruz River and go to Gila river follow it until you get to Colorado River then across deserts and then over mountains until you reach Pacific Ocean. There were many forts along the way.

Diego Rivera went to what high school?

Diego went to the Art Academy at his high school age.

Where is the Bozeman trail?

The Bozeman Trail went from Wyoming to Virginia City.

What was the year when the first covered wagon arrived in California via the Oregon trail?

The first wagon train on the Oregon Trail moved in 1839-40, but, as the name suggests, they went to Oregon.After 1843, wagons using the California Trail usedt he eastern parts of the Oregon Trail to get to the California Trail.

Who went on the oragon trail?

The Pioneers