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Q: What is the name of the oval shaped amphitheater in italy?
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Where is the oval shaped amphitheater built in 80 AD?

The Colloseum. It was built from A.D. 80- 81. ;)

A round or oval shaped area of tiered seating used for viewing games plays or other public events?

An amphitheatre (or amphitheater) is a round or oval-shaped area of tiered seating used for viewing games, plays, or other public events.

What is the name for the sac that protect the oval-shaped organ?

The scrotum protects the oval-shaped testicle.

What word most likely means a round or oval shaped area of tiered seating used for viewing games plays or other public events?

Amphitheater means a round or oval-shaped area of tiered seating for viewing games, plays, or other public events.

What is the name of the Mayan with the Oval shaped head?

There were many Mayans with oval shaped heads. This is because Mayans would shape the heads of babies as they grew.

What is another name for a 3d shaped oval?

Ellipsoid. (An oval is a 2-d shape, NOT 3-d).

Using your knowledge of Greek roots choose the word that most likely means a round or oval-shaped area of tiered seating used for viewing games plays or other public event?

Amphitheater means a round oval shaped area of tiered seating used for viewing games plays or other public events.

Using your knowledge of Greek roots choose the word that most likely means a round or oval-shaped area of tiered seating used for viewing games plays or other public events?

Amphitheater means a round oval shaped area of tiered seating used for viewing games plays or other public events.

How did the oval get its name?

"Oval" comes from the Latin word ovum, meaning egg. Ovals are shaped like eggs.

What is another name for an oval-shaped project map?

Another name for an oval-shaped projection map is called a Robinson Projection Map because it was created by an American cartographer named Arthur Robinson.

A symmetrically shaped oval?

An oval IS symmetric

What oval shaped fish has a name that starts with m and has 6 letters?
