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The giant, Otus. (Not to be confused with Otis.)

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Q: What is the name of the giant born to oppose greek god Apollo?
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What is the name of the Giant born to oppose the Greek God Zeus?


What is the name of the giant born to oppose the greek god poseiden?

The only one of the Gigantes that I know of to oppose Poseidon directly was Athos, but I don't know that he was "born" to.

How was Apollo greek god born?

Apollo was born on Delos by Leto.

How did Apollo get his powers?

Apollo was born as a Greek God, he was then born with his "powers".

How did Apollo become a Greek Goddess?

Apollo is not a Greek goddess; he is a Greek god, born of the Olympian god Zeus and the Titan born goddess Leto.

What is the name of the giant born to oppose the greek god ares?

There are a few giants which Ares fought; Mimas, Typhon and the Aloadai giants, Ephialtes and Otos who bound Ares.

When did Apollo get his powers?

In Greek mythology, Apollo was born with his powers as a god of the sun, music, healing, and prophecy. He is one of the twelve Olympian deities, and his abilities are innate to his divine nature.

How did Apollo became a greek god?

Apollo was born a Greek god, his father being Zeus and his mother being Leto a Titan born goddess.

When was Apollo born?

Most scientists believe that Apollo the Greek god, was born to the mother of Leto, and to the father of Zeus.

What year was apollo the greek god born?

Greek myth provides no timeline.

What made Apollo become a Greek god?

Apollo was born a Greek god, son of the Olympian god Zeus and the Titanis Leto.

Where was Greek god Apollo from?

Delos was where he was where, in mythology, he was born.