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Machu Pichu is the pre colombian Inca city located at the altitude of 2400 meters [7875 feet]

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The lost city of the Incas is Machu Picchu was rediscovered 1911.

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Q: What is the name of the ancient Inca city located in the Andes Mountain?
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What was the mountain that the Inca lived on?

The Inca civilization lived in the Andes mountain range, primarily in the region of modern-day Peru. Their capital city was located in the Andes at the site of present-day Cusco.

What ancient Inca city was located in the Andes mountains?

Machu Picchu

What mountain range did the incas build their empire in?

The Inca empire was located throughout the Andes Mountains.

What mountain did the Inca live on?

The Inca civilization lived in the Andes Mountains in South America. Their capital city, Cusco, was located in the Andes Mountains in present-day Peru.

Which ancient empire centered in the Andes Mountais?

The Inca Empire. And the Moche civilization.

What continent was the inca empire located?

The Inca Empire was located in South America. It spanned a large portion of the Andes mountain range, primarily in present-day Peru.

What is the ancient civilization of the Andes that lived in Peru?

There's Machu Picchu in Peru, which was an Incan empire, located in the Andes mountain range. They created the terracing system for farming and even built 10,000 miles of road paved, without sources of technology, with stones in that area. They were excellent engineers!

What mountain range extends through the Inca Empire?

the Andes

Where did the Inca Empire settle?

The Inca Empire settled in the Andes Mountains of South America, with their capital located in Cusco, Peru. They expanded their territory to include present-day countries such as Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, and parts of Chile and Argentina.

What mountain range did the Inca once dominate in south America?

The Andes Mts.

Where the Inca lived?

The Inca Empire was located in South America, primarily in the Andes mountain region which includes present-day Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, and parts of Chile and Argentina. The capital of the Inca Empire was in Cuzco, Peru.

In what mountain range did the Inca live?

The Inca civilization lived in the Andes mountain range, which spans through South America, including present-day Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Chile. The rugged terrain of the Andes provided natural defenses for the Inca Empire and influenced their culture and way of life.