The valley is actually named the California Central Valley. It is separated into regions such as the Sacramento Valley or the San Joaquin Valley.
The valley is actually named the California Central Valley. It is separated into regions such as the Sacramento Valley or the San Joaquin Valley.
from the indians that lived there
The Chinook Indians take their name from the village they lived in on the Columbia river.
name three famous native Americans Indians who lived in Ohio
they lived in californiajjkkjjkk
Central Valley, perhaps
That name was his when he lived among the Cherokee Indians.
they lived in plank houses.
Kit fox are found only in the Central Valley and adjacent Coast Range in California. The gray fox is much more common throughout the Central Valley, foothills, and coastal regions.
Vallejo is a Spanish locational name derived from "valle" meaning "valley". It refers to one that lived in a valley.